Nine years later and four beautiful children. Life never seems to slows down. I have two jobs; working as a Labor and Delivery nurse and a mom. "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family." ---President Monson
One day we looked outside and there was a large hole in our complete flat, freshly laid lawn. Ambree had been out playing, but she did not do it. We concluded it must be a groundhog and Jayson was bound to get rid of the intruder. It took some persuasion, but Jayson made a gum and peanut butter sandwich for the poor fellow. He closed up the hole and we have not seen a sign of him since!
Jayson says that the gum gets stuck in their throats. That is why I needed some persuasion. I felt bad to kill a little creature. I don't know if that is what happened, but we don't have any more holes in our yard.
So how did that do the trick? What happens?
Jayson says that the gum gets stuck in their throats. That is why I needed some persuasion. I felt bad to kill a little creature. I don't know if that is what happened, but we don't have any more holes in our yard.
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